Frequently Asked Questions

Let us know if you have any more questions by chatting with us using the help widget on our page or email.


Why does it take 24 hours for AWS to publish cost data?

Cloudshim uses AWS Cost and Usage Reports to build your comprehensive Cost Analytics and Saving recommendations. It can take up to 24 hours for AWS to start delivering reports to your Amazon S3 bucket. After delivery starts, AWS updates the AWS Cost and Usage Reports files at least once a day.

To learn more about AWS Cost and Usage Reports click here.

How do i onboard multiple AWS accounts?

Cloudshim doesn't have any limit to how many AWS accounts can be onboarded. For every account, you will need to go through the onboarding and deploy the Cloudformation stack.

Do i need to onboard all features for every account?

No, If you have onboarded the Parent account of your organization, you only need to onboard the View my Cloud Inventory & Unused resources permission for the child accounts. If you would like to also schedule the resources in the child accounts then the Discover & schedule my underutilized resources as well.

Last updated