Cost DeepDive

In the Cost DeepDive, you'll be able to explore and understand all your contributing costs to API operation and usage level grain.

You can slice and dice the data how you like, and pass any metric for chart analysis.

This dashboard is used to get cost transparency into your resource usage and get details on the trends from Analytics.

Double-click to DeepDive

To get details on your costs from Analytics, double-click the items with the wand icon:

You will be directed to Cost DeepDive with the API operation and usage details for the resource, sorted by the most expensive:

Slice & Dice Data

Cloudshim is built on AWS Cost & Usage data, the most granular resource data produced by AWS. You can slice and dice your cost data to truly understand your usage and attributing costs:

To discover the actual usage costs, add column Description:


I see the total changing when certain columns are added

Some of the columns e.g. Instance the only filter for data that has compute instances (EC2s, containers, etc.). When such columns are added our application filters out the blank data.

In some of the durations, I see some data missing

For performance, Cloudshim paginates the data coming from your cost & usage. A best practice is to limit the number of columns to six or less while performing your analysis.

I can only see data for the current month

Cloudshim Cost is built on AWS Cost & Usage reports data. AWS limits the data to the current month and doesn't publish historic data. Cloudshim will show you data for the current month you onboarded moving forward. i.e. if you onboarded on Sept 23, we will show you data from Sept 01 to date.

Last updated